Stucco: User Guide

Stucco is used to un-stick a mess. A mess is a situation that we don't like and whatever we do it seems to stay the same or get worse. Examples of messes could be static sales, work/home balance, a team that is not working well together.

Most of the time we get on fine by looking only at actions and outcomes. To achieve a result or an outcome we take an action or, in the face of a set of outcomes or driving conditions we take an action.

When we are in a mess we need to look more closely at the complete system within which our actions turn into outcomes and that has us choose particular actions in the face of a set of outcomes or driving conditions.

When we take an action what happens next is not always what we expect, that is because there are external forces beyond our control that intervene. For example we go to the airport to catch a flight to get somewhere at a certain time, if the flight is delayed leaving due to bad weather then we will not get the outcome we expected. A greater understanding of external forces can help us design our actions to take them into account.

Stucco is particularly valuable when:

  • We are caught in a vicious circle where it seems that no matter what we do, we end up in the same place

  • It feels like we are in a mess and there is a need to break free

  • Actions aren't working

  • There is a need to examine the beliefs and assumptions behind the actions we have taken

  • There is a need to investigate what external factors are affecting our actions

  • We don't know what to do next

Stucco gets beyond hunches, guesswork and limited, linear ‘fix it’ thinking. It reveals the structure and the roots of the mess through a process of data gathering, mapping, integrative pattern making, and analysis of the relationships between the patterns.

We begin with a messy situation which seems to constrain us. We work backward in time and space to discover the root cause which has propagated through time in countless ways:

  • Define our situation as a set of measurable conditions

  • Catalogue behaviour which seems to produce the conditions of the mess

  • Infer a set of influences which are necessary and sufficient to convert our behaviours into the conditions of the mess

With this comprehensive view of behaviour, influence and situation we turn to the likely core of the mess: the beliefs, assumptions, strategies and mental models held in our minds.

Standing back from the scene to gain a consulting perspective, we adopt a ‘witness’ point of view. As witnesses rather than participants, we define the roots of our mess, by inferring the set of beliefs, assumptions and mental models which must be operational if we act as we do in the face of our critical influences and real conditions.

From this insight into operating beliefs we are free to postulate a practical transition which can break the cycle: a definable, measurable change of mind. We can invent and embark on a rational learning path to a new mess which is much more to our liking. Now, we can truly change the timeline.

We continue this logical exploration until we land on a set of trial mental models and alternative behaviours which we believe will better serve us. We combine these into action learning experiments which we can enthusiastically engage in the real world and get to work.

Articulating the Mess

Start by describing what seems to be stuck, as both a story and a set of specific measures, in enough detail that we can relate specific things we do, or don’t do, to the landscape as we are experiencing it. We need the overview story so we can perceive every aspect of our lives or businesses that is involved.


These are the definable and measurable set of circumstances or conditions that we are trying change or break free from. Most of the time, we describe a mix of overall and specific conditions as the basis for our actions. This is simple cause and effect thinking – an outcome I experience ‘makes’ me react in some way, and I get another outcome as a result of my reaction.

Take time to get clear on the specifics of the situation that you are trying to break out of or change.

What is happening that needs to change, what is the thing that isn’t working?

The conditions can be described in family, social, political, business, economic, physical and emotional terms. In some measure, they result from our previous decisions, actions and inaction.


These are the things we are doing to break free of a certain situation or set of circumstances.

What actions have we taken to date to change the situation?

It is sometimes useful to break this section down into Right Doings, Wrong Doings and Not Doings:

  • What are you doing that seems to be moving you in the right direction? What are the actions you are taking which feel like the best you can do?

  • What are you doing that feels like it’s not helping? What are you doing that you know to be ‘wrong’ (but is possibly being done for other reasons or because there is no alternative)?

  • What aren’t you doing that might help? Is there anything that you know would improve your circumstances, but are not doing for some reason?


Forces are those external influences on our businesses and lives which we have little or no control over. Usually, these are big entities and powerful people, essential physical laws, and cultural, economic or environmental trends. The weather, taxes, and market forces are good examples.

What external factors could be affecting the outcomes resulting from the actions that we are taking? What things do we have no control over?

Almost everyone identifies forces which they consider being outside their sphere of influence, but which are not forces at all. We perceive the expectations that others have of us as immutable forces, whereas these expectations could actually be a product of our behaviour over time. If we have done things in a certain way for months or years, they become familiar with this pattern and expect this standard to be maintained – but it may not be what they truly demand of us. If we were to ask them what they actually need, we would get a more accurate picture of the forces.


Our assumptions and beliefs are personal. They are the things we believe to be true which influence the actions we take. When we are confronted with a set of conditions and we have a goal in mind, we construct a cause and effect logic based on these beliefs and then act based on that logic.

We are trying to figure out why we make the choices we do. Very often we do not really know our beliefs, or are unwilling to recognise them. Then we have some logical work to do.

What would someone have to believe or assume to be true in order to have taken this action?

We stand back, and speculate on the Beliefs that would make sense of the Doings. If a team of consultants were to observe us in action, what Beliefs would they assume we must hold in order to be making these choices? By acting as witnesses in this way, we are less likely to be defensive or try to justify what we have done – they are just Doings that we are trying to understand the context for.

Patterns of Situation and Doings

Looking for patterns between the Situation and the Doings helps us to learn more about the beliefs and assumptions that drove our actions. What actions did you take in the past that set up these conditions? Keep going deeper into the past searching for root conditions and root actions which are in the history of the Mess.

  • What conditions tell you that the actions are the right ones?

  • What conditions seem to be forcing the wrong actions?

  • What conditions are stopping action being taken?

The Vicious Cycle

Tell the story in sequence from Situation, through Beliefs, Doings, and Forces, that explains how the Mess was created. If something is missing or doesn’t make sense, revisit that domain until the story feels complete.

Creating A New Cycle

We can now take our work to the Insight Cycle to create a more virtuous upward spiral to replace the vicious downward spiral of the Mess.

New Beliefs
When at the stage of shifting beliefs, simply ask: how could this belief be modified in a way that would lead to a different action? You can also ask: what would be the opposite of this assumption or belief? These new beliefs are the Mind domain of the Insight Cycle.

New Doings
Brainstorm a few actions that someone who actually held such new beliefs would do. We add these to the Behaviour domain.

Add the most relevant Forces to the Influences domain and test the behaviours or new doings against them. We may modify the actions as a result.

Project a range of conditions that could emerge from these new actions, and record them under Situation.


Finally we test our thinking in the real world, getting things moving in small, positive ways while we experiment with alternative beliefs and alternative actions which we have discovered through Stucco. Ventures are intended to be explorations into the vast possibility that we have not yet experienced, so start with a learning experiment that we can complete in a week or two.

This exploration will give us a first level of knowledge of the validity of our alternative beliefs and our trial doings.

The work with Stucco creates plenty of material for potential ventures. Our job is to take that work and integrate it into one or two trials for the coming weeks and then go do them and see what happens. Nothing much more than that is assumed or necessary.

With enough testing, our minds will change. The alternative belief will, over time, become a core belief, surrounded by direct experience to validate its status. One change in our assumptions and the resulting experiments can lead to a complete resolution of the Mess.


The Insight Cycle: User Guide


Stucco: Further Reading