Part of Jim Ewing's vision for his work was that the maps he had developed would be stewarded and cared for by a dedicated 'circle' of expert practitioners.
Circles of people have been a powerful form over the history of mankind. Traditionally they have represented strength and power, built for protection, invention, manifestation or healing. They are marvellous structures. Everyone can see everyone else without hierarchy or rank limiting the view. Circles expand and contract without any reorganisation. Anyone can sit anywhere and partner with anyone else. Circles define a commons for holding all we share.
The Executive Arts Circle are the dedicated individuals who share the maps and vision of service. Everyone embarks on this journey to learn and explore the work and find their niche. Many go on to make this work part of their livelihood. Our Circle helps us stay in touch, invent new applications of our work, inspire each other to make better art, and renew the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical balance of the circle.
Pat Heneghan
Pat specialises in facilitating and coaching at the senior executive level, often in high impact situations. He has a particular interest in using creative approaches to difficult problems.
A focus of his work has been the successful implementation of strategy, in particular working with change, learning and culture to produce measurable results.
Pamela Deans
Pamela focuses on coaching and developing high potential leaders to enable successful delivery of complex projects in multi lingual, multi cultural environments.
Her understanding of the enabling conditions for successful implementation and her attention to detail are second to none with rigorous follow through to ensure lasting and sustained outcomes.
Alan Russell
Alan's experience in change consultancy and facilitation complements his previous background as a business process analyst, and his honours degree in Economics.
He leads a non-profit organisation which helps sports fans gain influence in the running and ownership of their club, and working with sports clubs and their governing bodies to promote sport as a vehicle through which positive societal change can occur.
Mark Denton
Mark is a leadership, team & resilience expert with vast experience navigating turbulent waters. In his professional sailing career he competed and sailed over 80,000 miles across the worlds’ oceans, notably leading a diverse amateur in the BT Global Challenge, dubbed ‘the worlds’ toughest around-the-world yacht race’.
Mark draws on 20+ years of working with the worlds’ greatest organisations, helping reshape their cultures and improve their leadership & team resilience to deliver better, faster & more sustainably, especially in times of disruption & change.
Graham Leicester
Prior to establishing International Futures Forum, Graham previously ran Scotland's leading think tank, the Scottish Council Foundation. He served in HM Diplomatic Service, specialising in China (speaking fluent Mandarin) and the EU; he was a senior research fellow in the Constitution Unit at University College London. He is a freelance professional cellist, including with the BBC Concert Orchestra.
Graham’s strong interest in governance, innovation & education, led to work with key agencies including the OECD and the World Bank Institute on the themes of governance of the long term and in a knowledge society. He authored a number of books including on transformative innovation and 21st century competencies.
Jim Ewing
Jim started his professional life as a rocket scientist, but it soon became evident that his real passion was for people. He saw that life is about navigating change - braving uncertainty, living well at our “learning edge”.
He designed a family of maps to support this work - simple frameworks for transformative conversations for use with individuals, groups, communities, organisations. Jim died in 2014, but his work lives on.