Implemento: User Guide
Implemento can provide individuals and teams with the benefit of hindsight prior to taking action; it enables us to see into the future and gain clarity around what will happen should a specific action be taken. This allows us to redesign our intended actions with likely outcomes in mind. The tool combines rigorous situation analysis with an opportunity for innovation and 'making it up'. These two activities generally reveal a surprising perspective and clarity in the matter giving us insights into what we know that we did not know we knew. It is this aspect of it that helps us push back our learning edge.
As a result of using Implemento, individuals and teams benefit from:
Insight into the consequences of actions
Improved preparation before the action is implemented
The emergence of knowledge that we didn't know we had
Appropriate measures for the actions
A new set of actions enabling successful redesign
Implemento is an invaluable tool that is best used:
To improve, refine or learn about actions we are about to take
When we don't know what to do - the way to get started is to ask yourself what someone you know would do and start from there
When we want to compare two or more possible actions we might take
To break a dilemma which has you stopped
To develop a venture or discipline resulting from a TransforMAP conversation
If the world was a linear, certain system of cause and effect we would have no use for Implemento. Fortunately the world is a much more interesting, unpredictable, complex ocean of forces and there is always a measurable uncertainty which we can never know enough to entirely erase. Using Implemento we set out to determine the best step we can make now, by brainstorming all that might occur further down the line. We do that by creating scenarios or cases from action, to results and further actions on the map.
Developing the stories takes us into a world of exceptionally good and exceptionally bad results. These are not spaces most of us encounter every day and we don’t really expect either one. But working with these possibilities is essential to our growth and very useful. It’s not important whether you start with the best or worst, simply invent the outcomes as reality and take time for our imagination to create a vivid depiction of the results we are experiencing, before choosing our next actions. Don’t look back. Every case is its own story. When you have completed one, then head back to ‘Go!’ and complete the other story, results and actions.
Implemento offers the curious possibility of beginning with a molehill of directions and plans, giving that molehill to Implemento’s structures and your imagination for an hour or so, and discovering a mountain of purposes, insights and steps to get on with the right stuff.
This is the action you are planning to take, or thinking about taking. This is typically a statement describing the step or set of steps you are considering taking. This should contain a well-defined action or set of actions. This should be an action that the group is considering in the near future; one that needs some thought put into it to ensure that it is the right action.
For example, “implement a new performance management system” or “recruit five new HR executives” are actions that could be run using Implemento.
Worst Outcomes
These are the worst possible outcomes that could result from the intended action. This should end up as a list of outcomes that are not desired by the individual or group. This is a gloomy picture of how bad the world could look if everything went wrong following the action being considered.
Describe the worst outcomes that could result from your actions.
The larger system
What quantitative factors have changed?
What qualitative factors have changed?
What is increasing? Decreasing?
The stakeholders
What are they talking about? Questioning?
What are they doing? Acting on?
What is their mood or attitude?
What am I feeling? My mood? Attitude?
What am I thinking about?
What do I feel I should do? Need to do?
Act to Recover
Act To Recover pushes worst outcomes in more desirable directions before things get badly out of hand. This is the space for listing those actions that would need to be taken to recover if the worst outcomes stated became reality.
Fast forward and imagine that the worst outcomes have become reality. Tell that story. What actions need to be taken in order to get things moving back in the right direction? What can we do to recover the situation?
Linking up with others to inform, enrol, persuade, cajole and gain their opinions and ideas
Knowledge building
On your own or with others, gathering data and information, doing research and design
Using resources
Investing or expending your time, money, attention, energy, experience
Making decisions and choices
Best Outcomes
These are the best possible outcomes that could result from the intended action. It is a list of the most positive outcomes of the steps described in the Go! box. This might include best outcomes for us as individuals, the team, the company or the outside world. This is a rosy picture of how things could look after the action has been taken.
Describe the best outcomes that could result from your actions.
The larger system
What quantitative factors have changed?
What qualitative factors have changed?
What is increasing? Decreasing?
The stakeholders
What are they talking about? Questioning?
What are they doing? Acting on?
What is their mood or attitude?
What am I feeling? My mood? Attitude?
What am I thinking about?
What do I feel I should do? Need to do?
Act to Enhance
These are actions that could be taken to enhance the best outcomes that have been identified. Often when we get positive outcomes as a result of an action taken there is a tendency to become complacent. However, there is a need to keep moving and Act To Enhance is the space for thinking through what could be done to make things even better. What further actions might be taken?
Fast forward and imagine that the best outcomes have become reality. Tell that story. What actions could be taken to turn those Best Outcomes into even better outcomes?
Linking up with others to inform, enrol, persuade, cajole and gain their opinions and ideas
Knowledge building
On your own or with others, gathering data and information, doing research and design
Using resources
Investing or expending your time, money, attention, energy, experience
Making decisions and choices
With our cases completed, we have the material we need to mine our lists of best outcomes, worst outcomes, enhancement actions and recovery actions. Our goal is a set of objectives and actions which optimize the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of what we want to achieve. We begin with the ‘why’ we are going to take action. We will state each objective in the form of a measure to give us both directional information and to evaluate how far we have come in the direction we seek. With a set of measures established we can go to the action material and synthesise a set of actions which are likely to improve where we stand on each of our measures. ‘How’ we will achieve the measures.
Shooting For
This is the highest-level objective statement, derived from the list of best outcomes identified. This might include figures and statistics around margin, productivity, profit, revenue and turnover. Alternatively, it often includes less tangible topics, such as employee happiness, stress management, processes and communications.
Look at the Best Outcomes you described. Taken together, they overlap and interact to define what you are Shooting For – what you want to achieve through the action you started this session with.
Use these Best Outcomes to identify themes, which will allow you to state three to five Shooting For goals. State these outcomes as if they have already occurred. Stating it in the present, as if already accomplished, causes us to feel the result more strongly.
This is the minimum outcome which the action has to achieve. This can often be derived from the worst outcomes stated – it is often the reverse of some of these statements. These are statements which specify what the action would absolutely have to achieve for it to be deemed successful. In other words, if it didn’t achieve these things, it would be deemed a failure.
Look at the Worst Outcomes you described. These describe what you absolutely don’t want to occur. Your task is to transform each worst outcome scenario from what you don’t want to happen, into an equivalent positive outcome, which you insist on achieving. You define the minimum results that the starting action was intended to ensure. You can use the details of your worst fears, such as who might be involved and what would result in your relationship, to state a fundamental standard of quality, which will be ensured by your actions. Once committed to these minimum outcomes, your actions will raise the probability that a baseline success occurs.
Must Do
These are the actions that must be taken in order for the action to achieve the minimum outcomes. These are derived from the Act To Recover box and incorporated in the main action being analysed in the Implemento. If the Must Do actions are ignored the result will be almost certain failure.
The Must Do box is informed by the actions stated in the Act To Recover section. Reading through the actions stated in Act To Recover should enable you to state those things you must do in order to meet the minimum outcomes required. You should also get an idea of Must Do actions by reading through the minimum measures.
Consider is the place to list additional actions, which might make a positive difference to the outcomes. These are derived from those actions listed in the Act To Enhance box. They are typically actions that still require some more thought and a decision to be made as to whether they should really be taken. Often this decision is based on cost, time and whether or not there is adequate resource to carry them out.
These might eventually be added to or used to modify the initial action stated.
Actions to consider often include the preparatory steps for our future plans – building the foundations for our long-term goals. This can include relationship building, negotiation of terms and conditions, or conducting learning experiments or ventures.